Artists and nature—Oswegatchie Hills provide both medium and inspiration

People flock to nature preserves for multiple reasons—exercise, fresh air, solitude, a respite from electronics. While the craggy Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve in East Lyme is popular with hikers who love winding trails through rugged terrain, around gigantic glacial boulders, and through low-lying wetlands, it also regularly draws artists and nature-lovers who revel in the […]

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Using the L.A.W. to protect Land, Air, and Water (July legal update)

CFE/Save the Sound Senior Legal Counsel Roger Reynolds gives an update on how we’re using the law to protect your environment at this key moment: I have no doubt that in the future we will look back on this moment in time and see it as a critical one for the environment—one way or the […]

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Legislative Agenda: New Year’s Revolutions

The 2019 legislative session begins tomorrow. There are new faces and exciting ideas flooding Hartford, and we are looking forward to working with our new governor and legislators to create an environmental revolution this year! Throughout session, we will be asking you to activate your voice for environmental change. We’ll give you contact info and […]

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Oswegatchie Hills – Nature’s Buffer

What goes on the ground goes into the Sound…the Friends of Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve take this adage to heart. The Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve (OHNP), established in 2007, protects almost 500 acres of pristine coastal forest for passive recreation, habitat for wildlife, and coveted open space surrounded by urban development. The undeveloped coastal forest […]

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Environmental Priorities 2019

We are gearing up for the upcoming legislative session to ensure protections for our land, air, and water. Click here to view the entire agenda. A sneak peak: CONSERVE PUBLIC LANDS Protecting Connecticut’s mountain landscapes, wetlands, forests that filter your drinking water, and the special coastal places that surround Long Island Sound keep your air […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Oswegatchie Hills advocates join East Lyme in appealing sewer decision

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2018   Contact: Laura McMillan, CT Fund for the Environment 203-787-0646 x137 / 540-292-8429   Oswegatchie Hills advocates join East Lyme in appealing sewer decision   East Lyme, Conn. – Leaders of the Save Oswegatchie Hills Coalition are joining the Town of East Lyme in asking the Connecticut Supreme Court […]

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Friends of Oswegatchie Hills Preserves Pitch Pines and History

The long-fought battle to protect and preserve the remaining acres of the Oswegatchie Hills coastal forest in Southeastern Connecticut continues. These iconic lands hold snapshots of our history, as well as scenic terrain and increasingly rare native habitats.   Ridgetop forests such as the Oswegatchie Hills in East Lyme are some of the last remaining […]

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Wednesdays are for Water!

Where does our water come from, and where does it go? Our Save Oswegatchie Hills Coalition collaborates with Children’s Museum of Southeastern CT to explain how we can protect our land and water resources.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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