For Pete’s Sake: A Pete Seeger Tribute Concert

Pete Seeger was one of the great consciences of this nation. Join us in celebrating his environmental legacy!

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Give a Little Monthly, Make a Big Difference Year-Round

We recently launched a new monthly giving program, “The Green Team.” Jim Sirch, one of the first Green Team members, explains why he chose to join.

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Trunk Show in Rye to Benefit Save the Sound

We want to let you know about a fun trunk show event to benefit Save the Sound this Wednesday. It’s hosted by our friends at Nest Inspired Home in Rye, NY. Please stop by if you can. 10% of proceeds will support our work to clean up the waters of western Long Island Sound–with your […]

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Support Us Now During the Great Give!

The Great Give is here! By making a donation as part of this special fundraising event, you can make your gift work harder than ever to help protect the land, air and water of Connecticut and Long Island Sound.

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The Great Give is Coming

Are you passionate about protecting Connecticut’s environment and Long Island Sound? Do you want to stop sewage discharges into the Sound? Ensure our drinking water resources are clean and safe? Advocate for clean air and energy?

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Charitable Giving During the Holiday Season

Individuals account for the vast majority of charitable gifts in the United States – 73 percent in 2011 – and many of those gifts are made in December.

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Join the Conversation

Welcome to our blog!  Think of it as a place where you can take part in the conversation about protecting our home state of Connecticut and our extraordinary natural resource, Long Island Sound. Water is one of the remarkable things about our region.  There is the Sound, of course, but there are also 2,000 miles […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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