A Time to Be Grateful: Conserving Lands Together

It takes a village to protect the wild places that make Connecticut and Long Island Sound special. We’re grateful for our partners.

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A time to be grateful: The Lorax of the Alewife

He didn’t know it at the time, but in 2011, Rob Vasiluth’s daughter would observe a fish that was to become her father’s passion.

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Holiday Tribute Cards are here!

Sending our Holiday Tribute Card tells a special someone that you made a donation to CFE/Save the Sound in their honor.

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A Time to Be Grateful: (Stream)banking on Volunteers

From planting native grasses to walking the banks of urban streams, our Green Projects team counts on volunteers to get the job done.

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A Time to Be Grateful: Volunteers in the Thick of It

We have been reflecting on the many aspects of our work, the people involved, and the environmental movement as a whole for which we’re grateful. From the volunteers who get their hands dirty to our interns working behind-the-scenes to supporters like you who make our work possible, we’re beyond grateful to all of you!

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A Time to Be Grateful: And the power of the people don’t stop

CFE Staffer Sarah Ganong reflects on the long fight—and recent victory—around the Keystone XL Pipeline, and what it means for the climate change movement. This is the first in a series of posts about gratitude.

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A Time to Be Grateful

From Thanksgiving through New Year’s, we at CFE/Save the Sound are reflecting on the many aspects of our work, the people involved, and the environmental movement as a whole for which we’re grateful.

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Pond Lily dam removal begins – with benefits for fish and flooding

On November 5, we celebrated the official start of our Pond Lily dam removal project in New Haven with neighbors, scientists and engineers, and government partners.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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