Surprise! That’s illegal

There are a lot of silly laws on the books in Connecticut. One of the silliest? You’re not allowed to share solar energy with your neighbors.

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What’s on tap: 2016 CT legislative agenda

Connecticut’s legislative session starts on Wednesday and we’re thrilled to share our priorities with you! 

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Governor Cuomo Shares Vision & Investment Plan for Clean Water & Healthy Sound

Increased clean water and environmental funding for New York State means a safer and more vibrant Long Island Sound.

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CT 2015 legislative session—victories and unfinished business!

As Connecticut’s legislative session ended at midnight Wednesday, hundreds of bills including some of our priorities fell victim to the clock and lengthy budget negotiations. Despite this, we saw victories for the environment including a Blue Plan for Long Island Sound, transportation funding, and the defeat of a number of bad bills.

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Blue Plan: CT Legislature sets path Long Island Sound!

Save the Sound and The Nature Conservancy celebrate environmentally friendly and economically productive future

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Connecticut Should Authorize Shared Solar and Determine the Value of Clean Energy

Media coverage of the burgeoning solar market—and subsequent utility backlash—has focused on states with abundant sunshine, where tensions between these forces are most evident.

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CFE/Save the Sound goes to Washington: A Review

Tyler Archer, our fisheries program lead, hit DC last week to support Long Island Sound.

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Sign on and share the sun!

A full-scale shared solar program would enable all of us to access clean energy

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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