Westchester County: Stop the Sewage Overflows that Pollute the Sound

For over a decade, state, county, and municipal officials have failed to effectively address sewage overflows and leaking sewer pipes in Westchester County.

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CFE intervenes in Oswegatchie Hills land battle

Environmental and community groups trying to halt development of 236 acres in Hills

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Save the Sound Petitions EPA to Slash Nitrogen Pollution in Sound

This morning, we filed a petition with the EPA requesting a new or revised legally enforceable plan to identify and reduce the biggest remaining sources of nitrogen pollution harming Long Island Sound.

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Save the Sound Puts Feds on Notice: Endangered Species Call Plum Island Home

Federal government’s planned sale of island would put endangered wildlife at risk.

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Hope of climate progress with U.S./China deal

Last week, President Obama and China’s President Xi announced a new plan to begin tackling greenhouse gas emissions—their first joint statement about global climate action.

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Another Chance to Protect Connecticut’s Street Trees

Over the last several months, Connecticut’s utility companies and the Public Utility Regulatory Authority have been going back-and-forth on a tree-trimming plan around power lines.

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Breathing Easier: Long Overdue National Action for Cleaner Air Blessed by the Supreme Court

Some commentary from our friends at the Conservation Law Foundation about last month’s Supreme Court decision and the Clean Air Act. Be a good neighbor!

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Great Neck Sewage Treatment Plant Fixes Problems, No Longer Violating Clean Water Act

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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