Victory for clean air in Quiet Corner as company ends bid to build new gas plant in Killingly

February 22, 2018 Contact: Laura McMillan, Connecticut Fund for the Environment, 203-787-0646 Victory for clean air in Quiet Corner as company ends bid to build new gas plant in Killingly NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Connecticut Fund for the Environment and allies declared victory this week as NTE Connecticut, LLC withdrew its  appeal of the Siting Council’s […]

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You have an agenda…

We’re telling Connecticut legislators YOU want clean air, land, and water! Your representatives go back to work next Wednesday and we are working to ensure they understand you want strong environmental policy. Throughout the session, which runs from February 7 through May 9, we will work with legislators, Governor Malloy, state agencies, fellow organizations, and citizens […]

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A Plum Island victory: Federal Judge denies motion to dismiss Save the Sound’s lawsuit  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 11, 2018 Contact: Laura McMillan, 203-787-0646 A Plum Island victory: Federal Judge denies motion to dismiss Save the Sound’s lawsuit   Feds sought dismissal of conservationists’ suit; judge rules plaintiffs have standing New Haven, Conn. – Today a federal district court judge ruled that a lawsuit brought by environmentalists over the […]

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Taking on the Trump Administration’s Attacks on the Environment

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration are determinedly seeking to dismantle our federal system of environmental protection. That’s why, this June, CFE/Save the Sound filed two lawsuits against the Trump administration.

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Legislative drama ends with good, bad and ugly

The 2017 legislative session wrapped up at midnight Wednesday. There were good outcomes, bad outcomes, and some things yet unsettled, but one thing is clear: citizens like you helped tremendously to avert crises and get good policies passed. We couldn’t have done it without you! Here are some snapshots from our legislative experts on bills […]

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How New York City’s Sewage Gets Into Long Island Sound

When it rains in New York City, rain and debris from city streets mixes with wastewater containing raw sewage and other pollutants and overload the city’s antiquated combined sewage and stormwater system, dumping the polluted brew into the waters around the five boroughs. Each year on average 70 of these “combined sewage overflows” (CSOs) occur, […]

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Your Legal Watchdogs

With your support, we’re fighting to stop water pollution in our rivers and the Sound and to protect precious landscapes and wildlife habitat. Here’s the latest news on just a few of our most critical projects. Saving Plum Island CFE/Save the Sound and six other organizations and individuals filed suit in July against the Department of […]

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The Future of the EPA: Taking the Battle to Court

Legal director Roger Reynolds contemplates what the nomination of Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator means for the environment and CFE/Save the Sound’s legal efforts. Had Donald Trump spent an entire year scouring the country for someone to weaken clean air and clean water laws and repudiate America’s leadership role in the global battle against climate […]

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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