Transportation Funding Forum: December 10, 2012

On December 10, 2012, Transit for Connecticut, a workgroup of CFE, is holding a transportation funding forum to discuss where we are now and what’s next to move the state forward.

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Hurricane Sandy Live Twitter Chat

If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, then you’ve heard about the Live Chat we are holding from 2:30 – 3:30 P.M. today on Twitter with Senator Richard Blumenthal to discuss how Hurricane Sandy impacted our coastline and Long Island Sound.

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Save the Sound Reports Back from Plum Island Public Hearing

Last night at the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa, the U.S. General Services Administration held its Connecticut public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the sale of Plum Island.

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Facebook Scavenger Hunt Starts Today!

Summer’s almost over, so we have a plan to make sure enjoying Long Island Sound is part of your summer! We are partnering with The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk to host our first ever FACEBOOK SCAVENGER HUNT beginning TODAY. Here’s how it works: If you haven’t already, “Like” Save the Sound on Facebook (and The […]

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This Weekend: Kayak for a Cause XII

One of Long Island Sound’s summer staples will be taking place this weekend. For the 12th consecutive July, hundreds of kayakers will embark on a paddle across the Sound as part of Kayak for a Cause to raise thousands of dollars for worthy charities. Thankfully, for many years in a row, Save the Sound has […]

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Happy Fourth of July and Welcome Back!

We took a little break from our blog last week to enjoy Long Island Sound and the great summer weather that we have been having. From taking in picturesque views to fishing, clamming, and going to the beach, we had a great time enjoying our region’s most precious treasure- the Sound. Did you celebrate the […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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