Youth Organizer Advocates for Cheshire to Declare a Climate Emergency Resolution

Shining light on the advocacy and sustainability work of young environmental leaders working to make their communities safer and cleaner. As part of our commitment to youth engagement and equity, we are holding an ongoing series of interviews with individuals and sharing their stories to spread awareness.                                        Josh Koppel is a 17-year old climate activist […]

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New Haven, CT – Last Friday, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced appointments to the Connecticut Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Council (CEEJAC), a new body formed to advise DEEP on current and historic environmental injustice, pollution reduction, energy equity, climate change mitigation and resiliency, health disparities, and racial inequity. One of […]

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Healthy Yard, Healthy Sound

“Save the Sound,” starting in your own front yard It’s easy to see how raw sewage or chemical runoff flowing directly into Long Island Sound is bad for the water and for all of us. But it can be harder to see how the chemicals and practices you employ on your own lawn and garden […]

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Save the Sound Policy Interns Celebrate Health Equity and Recap Community Benefit Programs Legislative Win

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the 2022 CT Legislative Session brought many wins for our climate, water, and wildlife protections. In addition to tackling such priorities, we weighed in on strengthening federal hospital community benefit agreements. Why? Because our organization is vested in promoting equitable outcomes for public health, as it relates to […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound Launches Mill River Urban Waters Initiative: Community Outreach, Engagement, and Leadership Program

Fair Haven, CT – A new partnership between environmental and community groups has launched along the Mill River in the Fair Haven neighborhood of New Haven. Save the Sound and nearly a dozen other partners, through the Urban Waters Initiative (UWI) administered by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), have initiated […]

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Rye Highschool Student Monitors Water Quality at Blind Brook Dam and Educates Peers on Dam Removal

Delia Bajuk, a junior at the Rye High School, started taking a specific action for the environment last December, monitoring water quality at the Blind Brook Dam in Rye, New York. She had been connected to Save the Sound through our Clean Water Rye community forum, where Katie Friedman, New York Ecological Restoration Program Manager, […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound’s new Climate Action Plan lays out urgent intersectional policy agenda for Connecticut

Action steps for the electricity, transportation, and buildings sectors will help meet state’s climate goals, improve public health, and increase equity. New Haven, Conn. – Save the Sound has released a major report on Connecticut’s climate, economy, and community well-being. “Climate Action Plan 2022: Cut Emissions & Build a Healthy Connecticut” examines the electricity, transportation, […]

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Citywide Youth Coalition Organizer Advocates for a Clean and Dignified Future for New Haven

Shining light on the advocacy and sustainability work of young environmental leaders working to make their communities safer and cleaner. As part of our commitment to youth engagement and equity, we are holding an ongoing series of interviews with individuals and sharing their stories to spread awareness. Dave Cruz-Bustamante (he/him/they/them) is a self-identified queer, working-class […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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