Putting Mount Vernon on the Map

It wasn’t like Marissa Glaze had never experienced pollution before. She’d seen trash littering the sidewalks of her new neighborhood when she first moved to Mount Vernon, NY, just as she’d seen it back in Jamaica, where she lived for the first dozen or so years of her life. She couldn’t ignore discarded cans and […]

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Fish Die Offs: What You Need to Know

From a distance, they could easily be mistaken for discarded trash bobbing on the surface of the water. When you get closer, though, and get a better look, you realize what you’re looking at: dead fish, often Atlantic menhaden (aka bunker). It can be a troubling sight, for sure, especially when it’s more than a […]

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August Climate Update: National Progress, Advancing Solar, and Youth Leaders

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Climate & Resiliency. Read other recent updates on our blog: Healthy Waters, Protected Lands, Ecological Restoration, Legal Actions. Federal Save the Sound Commends Passage of Inflation Reduction Act Yesterday, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that aims to cut emissions 40% […]

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July Climate Update: Federal, State, and Local Actions

West Virginia v. EPA – And Next Steps for ActionThe U.S. Supreme Court decision on West Virginia v. EPA impedes the EPA’s authority to regulate emissions from polluting sectors, granted by the Clean Air Act. In response to the ruling, Save the Sound organized a rally with several Connecticut environmental groups to demand federal and […]

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Sunrise CT Activist Advocates for Climate Action in Connecticut

Shining light on the advocacy and sustainability work of young environmental leaders working to make their communities safer and cleaner. As part of our commitment to youth engagement and equity, we are holding an ongoing series of interviews with individuals and sharing their stories to spread awareness. Amelia Kearney is an 18-year-old incoming freshman at […]

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July Restoration Update: CT Cleanup Returns and $400,000 for the Bronx Watershed Plan

Three Habitat Heroes Bolster Connecticut Cleanup in Effort’s 20th Year Save the Sound has hosted nearly 1,000 cleanups in Connecticut as part of the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) since 2002. This 20th year, the program has broken a record with three leading sponsors, setting the 2022 Connecticut Cleanup up to be the biggest and best […]

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Press Release: CT Enviros Call for Aggressive Climate Action Despite Supreme Court Setback

New Haven, CT – Environmentalists rallied on the New Haven Green Friday evening in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. EPA, calling on President Biden to appoint federal judges who will support climate action; on Congress and the Connecticut General Assembly to pass stronger climate protections, including providing stringent accountability […]

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Meet Save the Sound’s 2022 Interns and Seasonal Staff

Protecting and restoring our region’s environment is a team sport. And every summer, our Save the Sound team gets deeper and more talented with the addition of interns and seasonal staff. We’re excited to introduce you to our newest teammates, and give you a glimpse into what motivates them to join the fight to protect […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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