November Restoration Update: Climathon, Rye’s Blind Brook, and Data from CT Cleanup

Save the Sound Brings Living Shorelines Solutions to the New Haven Climathon  Last weekend, over 140 people gathered at the John S Martinez School in Fair Haven for a mini conference on climate change consequences in New Haven and solutions to address them. Alex Rodriguez, environmental justice specialist, and Melissa Pappas, ecological communications specialist, joined […]

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New Haven Climathon Brings Community Together to Take Climate Change Action

On October 29, Save the Sound joined this grassroots initiative hosted by, Reimagining New Haven in the Era of Climate Change and The Narrative Project, with countless local partners including Artspace, City of New Haven, City Seed, CIRCA, NOAA, and Junta for Progressive Action. Over 140 participants gathered at the John Martinez Elementary School for […]

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Press Release: Save the Sound Receives Support to Monitor and Investigate Blind Brook Dam at Rye High School for Potential Future Removal

Rye, New York – Save the Sound has been awarded $109,984 to initiate a dam removal feasibility study for the first dam on Blind Brook at Rye High School, in Rye, NY. The funding, provided through the Marine Habitat Tributary Restoration and Resiliency Grant funded by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, will […]

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October Climate Update: Federal Advocacy, EVs, PURA Dockets, and more

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Climate. Read other recent updates on our blog. Federal Save the Sound Environmental Justice Specialist Joins GreenLatinos on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Environmental Justice Our environmental justice specialist, Alex Rodriguez, joined GreenLatinos, a national organization focused on promoting climate […]

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One Cleanup at a Time: Working to Reduce Plastic Pollution in Connecticut

As part of Save the Sound’s commitment to reducing plastic waste in our rivers and streams, our Climate and Policy interns, Nicole Freitas and Prabisha Bhandari, have written a four-part blog series focused on plastic reduction through local initiatives and policies. The key findings of this series will inform equitable and effective decisions on reducing […]

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Outgoing STS president Curt Johnson sails the Sound, shares insights

We’ve come a long way, but a “slow emergency” still threatens Long Island Sound Curt Johnson has lived near Long Island Sound for most of his life, but sailing this magnificent waterway still has the power to evoke awe, inspire action, and teach him—and all of us—about being better stewards of its precious waters. Curt […]

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This is the first installment in a series of stories that will track the progress of our eelgrass restoration project, a collaboration featuring Save the Sound, SAVE Environmental, and the Cornell Cooperative Extension. The accompanying video is made possible by support from 11th Hour Racing. Long green stalks rise up from the sea floor like […]

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August Clean Water Update: Lab preparations, green recommendations, and salutations!

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Clean Water. Read other recent updates on our blog: Protected Lands, Ecological Restoration, Legal Actions, and Climate. Open for Business  A new lab facility in Hamden, CT, expands capabilities for fecal indicator bacteria monitoring For a couple of years, a perfectly usable space sat […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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