Urban Environmentalist Brings Sustainability Education and Opportunities to Newhallville Youth in New Haven

Shining light on the advocacy and sustainability work of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) leaders working to make positive change in their respective communities. As part of our commitment to equity and allyship, we are holding an ongoing series of interviews with individuals and sharing their stories to spread awareness.         For this story, […]

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Community Organizer Raises Flood Mitigation Awareness in Stratford

Andreina Barajas Novoa (she/they) is a junior at Southern Connecticut State University double majoring in sociology and political science to increase their understanding of social issues and what could support the collective liberation and wellbeing of all peoples. Andreina was born in New Rochelle, NY and raised in Stratford, CT and is proud of their […]

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Eco Advocate Honors Indigenous Heritage Through Sustainability Work

Lea Melendez, 24, is a game developer based in New York City, where she volunteers with environmental advocacy groups like the Post-Landfill Action Network and Games for Change. Melendez began her career at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where she majored in Game Design, and is currently pursuing a graduate degree at Parsons in Design […]

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Climate Activists Win Eco Advocate Awards from Save the Sound

In 2021, we established the Youth Eco Advocacy Corps to partner with young environmental activists across the region. These emerging leaders, (led by Save the Sound environmental justice specialist Alex Rodriguez,) meet monthly to learn advocacy skills, hone their stories, and take action together for a more sustainable future. The Eco Advocate Award is an […]

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2022 Year in Review: Landmarks

Our 50th year has been a momentous one at Save the Sound! We marked not only that anniversary, but also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the 35th of the Soundkeeper program, and the 20th of our CT Cleanups. In October, longtime Board member Barbara David retired from our Board and Curt Johnson […]

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Connecticut Energy Dockets Update: Clean Energy Grew in 2022

As we close out another year, we are happy to report on the continued progress being made in Connecticut. Thanks to your support, the transition to a clean energy economy continues to accelerate each year! From purchasing an electric vehicle, to installing solar panels, to taking advantage of a battery storage system, there are more […]

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Young Activist Promotes Environmental Justice Through Art and Storytelling

Shining light on the advocacy and sustainability work of young environmental leaders working to make their communities safer and cleaner. As part of our commitment to youth engagement and equity, we are holding an ongoing series of interviews with individuals and sharing their stories to spread awareness. N’Dea Tucker sees her art as a means […]

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2022 Long Island Sound Report Card is Out

WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT LEVELING OFF, RISING WATER TEMPS RAISE CONCERN Modest Signs of Improvement in NYC, Even as Many Area Bays Struggle LARCHMONT, New York/NEW HAVEN, Connecticut — November 17, 2022 – Regional nonprofit environmental organization Save the Sound released the findings of its 2022 Long Island Sound Report Card on November 17. The biennial […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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