The Age of Renewables: The Future is Now (Part 1)

Following major endorsements from two financial power players, are renewables finally ready to take over?

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Faulty Flood Insurance leaves Coastal Communities in Over Their Heads (Part 2)

Part two looks at which of Connecticut’s coastal communities struggle with flooding damage, what it’s costing us, and how we can improve the situation. Read part one here.

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After Earth Hour: Saving Energy at Home Every Day

All around the world this evening, people will observe Earth Hour by turning off their lights at 8:30 PM to make a point about conserving energy and about appreciating the beauty of the night sky.

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Faulty Flood Insurance leaves Coastal Communities in Over Their Heads (Part 1)

After a decade of destructive storms, the National Flood Insurance Program is $24 billion in debt. Fixing it requires new mindsets in Washington and on the shore. Part one looks at NFIP and where it fails.

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American Clean Energy Is Booming – 5 Reasons Why

Last week, Environmental Defense Fund’s Benjamin Schneider posted this excellent blog outlining what’s responsible for the meteoric rise of clean energy and clean tech. We thought it was worth sharing.

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Summer Outreach: ‘Youth Education and Outdoor Fun Are the Best Ways to Create Conservation Mentality’

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A Visit to Great Gull Island

Last week, we joined other environmentalists from Connecticut and New York for a visit to Great Gull Island, the larger of the two islands in between Plum Island and Fishers Island. Great Gull Island is owned by the American Museum of Natural History and lies at the eastern end of Long Island Sound, sandwiched between […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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