Seaweed Blooms: A Growing Problem

Seaweed wreaks havoc in many coastal communities around world. Is it a growing threat in Long Island Sound?

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Milford’s NOAA Laboratory is an Aquaculture Leader

Although it has been the site of pioneering work in aquaculture for over 90 years, few Connecticut residents are aware of the lab’s contribution to science, the local and national economy, or even of its existence. The first in a series on NOAA’s Milford Laboratory. Since our earliest colonial days, New England’s fisherman have been harvesting shellfish commercially […]

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Two Words to Save the Fishing Industry: Sanctuary and Spillover

Habitat is where fish make more fish. And New England needs more fish.

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Connecticut & Carbon: What the EPA’s new rule means for our state

In a range between North Dakota at 10% and Washington at 70%, Connecticut needs to reduce emissions by 30%.

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Mystic’s Majestic Whaler Sails Again

Over the last several years, a historical restoration project in Mystic, Connecticut has highlighted a formative part of our region’s heritage—the whaling industry of the 1700s and 1800s.

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The EPA’s New Climate Rule: A Complete Breakdown

On Monday, the EPA proposed a landmark rule to limit carbon emissions from existing power plants. The goal is a 30% nationwide reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.

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James Prosek Reveals Nature’s Wonder

“O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!” says Horatio in William Shakespeare’s classic.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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