2019 Year in Review: The Difference We’re Making Together

There’s one great truth about our environment: it’s all connected. Streams flow from forested hills to rivers to our drinking water reservoirs or our beaches. Winds blow clean air or smog through our neighborhoods. Fish swim from the Atlantic, through Long Island Sound, and upstream to local ponds to start their life cycles anew. And […]

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On the cold, crisp early morning of November 14, 2019, participants in the Unified Water Study (UWS) began to arrive at Earthplace in Westport, CT, ready to drop off their scientific equipment and close out the 2019 monitoring season. Sixty-two attendees representing twenty-two monitoring groups and key study partners gathered for the 2019 UWS Summit, […]

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2019 Rain Garden Recap

2019 may come to be known as the year that rain gardens reached a tipping point here in Connecticut. Not only did an unprecedented number of rain gardens get planted in the New Haven area, but interest in this particular type of green infrastructure is growing across the state. CFE/Save the Sound worked with dozens […]

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Leaves…nuisance or benefit? It’s all in how you approach it.

Every year around this time, we are all enraptured by the beautiful colors that appear as our trees prepare for their winter slumber. For many, this breathtaking sight also triggers anxiety as those many-hued paratroopers descend to the ground en masse. The hours of raking, the hours bagging, the back-breaking carrying to the curb…it’s no […]

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The “Beautiful Solution” to Climate Change

Forty years ago, when CFE/Save the Sound was started, the Connecticut landscape was a beautiful patchwork of family farms. Over time, that has eroded away to just a few surviving remnants of our agricultural past. Why? There are many reasons, but among them is climate change, which is creating unpredictable and extreme weather patterns that […]

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Congrats on your graduation…from Enviro Advocacy School!

Congratulations, you made it! Now that the legislative session is over and legislators are on a much-needed break, give yourself a pat on the back for all the successful advocating you’ve done. It sure was a nail-biter—right up to the bell at midnight on June 5! You’ve learned a lot about Connecticut’s legislature along the […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Water Responsibly

  We’ve all seen them…lawn sprinklers that spray this way and that, sending water cascading indiscriminately in all directions. Great fun for kids wanting to cool off, but a waste if this is the way you satisfy your lawn’s thirst. Not only do these type of sprinklers unevenly distribute the water, often times they create […]

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DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Have a Smaller Yard

  Have you looked at your house from Google Earth? How much of your property is just grass? How about your neighbors’? It’s probably a high percentage and parts of it most likely go unused. In the 1950s, new housing developments began showing off their properties with manicured swaths of lawn as far as the […]

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