Federal Funding for Post-Sandy Sewage Plant Upgrades, but Cuts to EPA’s LIS Cleanup

The federal government is making $340 million available to New York for repairs and upgrades to sewage treatment plants and water filtration plants damaged by Superstorm Sandy. But it also is cutting about $300,000 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency office that is overseeing the environmental cleanup of Long Island Sound.

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New Report Details 11 Billion Gallons of Sewage Overflows During Superstorm Sandy

On the heels of last week’s Long Island Sound Citizens Summit exploring Superstorm Sandy and climate change, the nonprofit research group Climate Central released a new report yesterday on the amount of sewage that spilled into local waterways during and after Sandy. The report also emphasizes the long-term vulnerability of sewage treatment systems because of […]

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URGENT: House of Representatives Debating Hurricane Sandy Bill Now

We all know how badly Connecticut was impacted by Hurricane Sandy. We can see the effects of Sandy along our shoreline as we try to rebuild yet again after the third major storm hit the state in a little over a year.

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Post-Sandy Coastal Cleanups

Yesterday, we announced that our coastal cleanup data was in for the 57 cleanups we helped to coordinate during the spring and fall. What’s special this year is that of the 57 cleanups, two of them were held after Hurricane Sandy ravaged our shoreline.

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A Story of Fire, Water and Dunes: Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook

Today, three weeks since Hurricane Sandy, Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook is busy with activity. I notice trucks with logos that contain the words “Septic”, “Contractor”, “Demolition”, and “Electrical” motor past as they head to the shoreline area. 

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Shellfishermen Still Feeling Sandy

The devastating impacts from Hurricane Sandy were felt far and wide across the Northeast. On the shores of Long Island Sound, the damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure is hard to miss. What’s not as easily seen is the toll inflicted on those who make their living on the water.

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Cleaning Up After Sandy

On Monday, Save the Sound and Bank of America partnered together to help repair Silver Sands State Park in Milford. The Silver Sands area was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy—some residents even lost their homes. Within the park, the recently-built boardwalk was destroyed, and large quantities of hazardous waste (paints, oils, bleach) washed up on the shore.

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