Press Release: Save the Sound urges FAA to prepare Environmental Impact Statement on proposed Tweed-New Haven Airport expansion

Raises concerns about wetland loss and impacts of flooding, sea-level rise, and pollution on environment and neighborhoods NEW HAVEN—Save the Sound yesterday sent a letter to the New England Region’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) office, warning of a flawed environmental review process and urging the FAA to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the […]

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Save the Sound supports New York Governor Hochul’s bold environmental agenda in State of the State

On Wednesday, January 5, New York Governor Kathy Hochul delivered a bold State of the State address, with an ambitious environmental agenda to combat climate change and make major investments in clean energy infrastructure. Most exciting was the proposal to increase the Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Bond Act (formerly the Environmental Bond […]

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Elsa Foreshadows Climate Change’s Human and Environmental Impacts

Tropical Storm Elsa made landfall in the Long Island Sound region in the early hours of Friday, July 9, dropping between 1.5 and 5 inches of rain on communities in New York and Connecticut in less than 12 hours. This resulted in coastal and inland flooding, road closures, rescues of several people from vehicles, and […]

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Taking Climate Impacts to Congress

This year’s hurricane season has just begun, and already it’s exposing our communities’ vulnerability to storms. Flash flooding. Power outages. Inundated subways and washed-out train lines. Millions of gallons of raw sewage overflowing into streets and basements. All of which you documented. And it’s expected to get worse with climate change. So we’re talking to […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Save the Sound Identifies 18 Resiliency Projects in New Report

Getting projects to shovel-ready status could leverage federal dollars for Connecticut communities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContacts: Laura McMillan,; Javier Román-Nieves, New Haven, Connecticut – Today Save the Sound released a guide to 18 priority projects along the central Connecticut coast that would use nature-based solutions to restore habitats and protect shoreline communities from the […]

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Connecticut coasts experience negative consequences from sea level rise

by Savannah Mather  This is a guest post based on the author’s journalistic research, which included a conversation with Anthony Allen, assistant director of ecological restoration at Save the Sound. Sea levels along with the coast of Connecticut are expected to rise 20 inches by 2050, putting hundreds of thousands of people and their homes […]

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Charting CT’s climate path: GC3 workgroup reports

The Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3) is charged with figuring out how to turn Connecticut’s climate goals into an actionable path. Save the Sound’s president sits on the Council, and our climate and energy attorney, ecological restoration director, and Soundkeeper have each been helping shape that path. Seven workgroups have spent the last year […]

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Hamden Tornado 2018

Hamden Tornado May 15, 2018 While our region is less prone to extreme weather than many, warming waters and changing currents are fueling stronger storms. Many New York and Connecticut residents have experienced flooding, power outages, and high winds over the last several years. On May 15, 2018, south central Connecticut was hit with two […]

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