Aren’t We Glad Broadwater Didn’t Happen?

That’s what we’ve been saying here at CFE/Save the Sound this week. Yesterday, an article in the Boston Globe came out about two LNG terminals built off the North Shore of Massachusetts that are just sitting idle now, with $750 million worth of unused buoys and pipes sitting in the ocean.

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URGENT: House of Representatives Debating Hurricane Sandy Bill Now

We all know how badly Connecticut was impacted by Hurricane Sandy. We can see the effects of Sandy along our shoreline as we try to rebuild yet again after the third major storm hit the state in a little over a year.

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CFE, ENE Release New Report on Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Programs

Yesterday, we, along with ENE (Environment Northeast), released a new report that examines important issues surrounding the creation of successful residential energy efficiency financing programs. Residential energy efficiency programs around the nation provide incentives to homeowners and renters to implement energy efficient upgrades like improved insulation, windows, and more efficient heating and cooling systems and […]

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Post-Sandy Coastal Cleanups

Yesterday, we announced that our coastal cleanup data was in for the 57 cleanups we helped to coordinate during the spring and fall. What’s special this year is that of the 57 cleanups, two of them were held after Hurricane Sandy ravaged our shoreline.

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CT Draft Comprehensive Energy Strategy: What It Is & How You Can Give Input

Energy policy has important ramifications for our environment and our economy. The amount of energy that we consume and the types of fuels that we use affect the quality of the air we breathe, the stability of our climate, and the kinds of jobs created here in Connecticut.

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A Story of Fire, Water and Dunes: Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook

Today, three weeks since Hurricane Sandy, Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook is busy with activity. I notice trucks with logos that contain the words “Septic”, “Contractor”, “Demolition”, and “Electrical” motor past as they head to the shoreline area. 

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Shellfishermen Still Feeling Sandy

The devastating impacts from Hurricane Sandy were felt far and wide across the Northeast. On the shores of Long Island Sound, the damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure is hard to miss. What’s not as easily seen is the toll inflicted on those who make their living on the water.

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Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 21
Join our 9th annual Paddle for the Sound! Paddle with a kayak, canoe, or SUP (your own or a rental), track your distance, raise funds, and win gear prizes! This event supports the health and protection of Long Island Sound.

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