Laboratory Technician
914-381-3140 x213
Lindsey is the Laboratory Technician for Save the Sound’s John & Daria Barry Water Quality Lab, where she processes and analyzes various types of water quality samples. Apart from a brief stint in Canada for post graduate study, Lindsey is a lifelong Connecticut resident. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in Marine Sciences from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Science in Earth Science from McGill University. Prior to working at Save the Sound she was a lab tech at UConn Avery Point’s Marine Stable Isotope Lab, and a lab manager for University of New Haven’s Forensic Science Department. She decided to return to the field of marine and environmental science from a desire to put her skills to use for the greater coastal community and her love of Long Island Sound.
When she’s not in the lab, Lindsey enjoys hiking, knitting, traveling, and gaming.