David Anderson

David Anderson posing with a toddler and bike and a Mt Washington summit signLand Campaigns Manager


David comes to Save the Sound after a nearly 20-year career focused primarily in municipal land use planning.

For the past nine years, he has served as the Director of Planning and Economic Development for the Town of Madison, where he spearheaded the establishment of a permanent Coastal Resiliency Commission and a permanent Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, led Madison’s certification as a Sustainable CT community in 2018, and secured the town’s accreditation under “Best Practices in Land Use and Economic Development” from the Connecticut Economic Development Association in 2019. Prior to his planning work in Madison, he served as the Planning & Zoning Administrator for the Town of East Haven, a Senior Planner in James City County, Virginia, and a Policy and Budget Analyst for the Virginia Department of Planning & Budget. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the College of William & Mary, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).

David grew up in Waterford, CT and currently lives with his wife and daughter in Madison, CT. He is an avid trail runner and cyclist, and enjoys hiking and camping with his family throughout the northeast.

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