PRESS RELEASE: Climate Bills HB 5004 and SB 9 Pass out of the Connecticut State Environment Committee

Hartford, CT—This afternoon, in recognition of the growing urgency of climate action, the State Legislature’s Environment Committee voted two of this year’s most important pieces of climate legislation out of committee.

House Bill 5004 would update the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act, support the green economy, leverage nature-based solutions, and incentivize the adoption of heat pumps—all critical steps toward reducing the carbon emissions warming our atmosphere, and costing our health and our wallets. 

Senate Bill 9 would increase the state’s resilience by giving towns the tools to protect communities from climate-related hazards, and equipping homeowners and renters with flood risk information.

Members of the CT Coalition for Climate Action (CCCA) applauded the committee’s action and urged the House and Senate to pass these bills in the coming months:

“Together, these bills address both climate mitigation and resilience through a suite of practical policies that will protect the health, safety and welfare of Connecticut’s citizens at a time when federal programs are unravelling,” said Charles Rothenberger, Director of Government Relations at Save the Sound. “The policies contained in HB 5004 and SB 9 will help households and businesses manage their energy costs in the face of steadily increasing temperatures  and provide them with the tools to weather increasingly powerful and more frequent storm events. And it sets the stage for a thoughtful and proactive ongoing strategy to respond to climate change at the state and community level.”

“With our federal government actively working to roll back environmental progress that protects our air, land, and water, we need strong state laws and elected leaders to be our firewall. The climate bills that legislators voted on today are a good step in the right direction for our state, but still need work. Now is the moment for all lawmakers to show their resolve and get these bills over the finish line,” said Lori Brown, Executive Director of the CT League of Conservation Voters.

“Kudos to the General Assembly for advancing HB 5004, a comprehensive and balanced bill addressing the most pressing issue we face: climate change,” said Mark Scully, president of People’s Action for Clean Energy. “This bill will improve the health outcomes of our residents and both lower and stabilize our energy burdens. We look to the legislature to gain bipartisan support for this balanced bill in the days and weeks ahead. The cost of inaction is too great.”

“Sierra Club applauds the Environment Committee for advancing HB 5004 and SB 9. These bills will play a critical role in boosting resiliency and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions that spur catastrophic climate events. By investing in important short and long term protections from the impacts of climate change and health-harming air pollution, Connecticut will save consumers money on energy bills, protect public health, and reduce strain on our grid,” said Samantha Dynowski, Sierra Club Connecticut Chapter Director.

We have a moral obligation to care for the planet and all its inhabitants – clean air, clean water, and a stable climate are critical for life,” said Terri Eickel, Executive Director of the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network. “The climate bills passed today are significant step forward in protecting public health in the environment.

“HB 5004 is the kind of multi-faceted climate bill that remains very important for helping Connecticut to do its part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is a good start in getting back on track in addressing the existential issue of our time, which is already impacting our lives, and why SB 9 is also important: helping communities adapt to a changing climate,” said Nathan Frohling, Director of External Affairs for the Nature Conservancy in CT.  

The CT Coalition for Climate Action comprises environmental advocates, health experts, labor and municipal representatives, and others advocating for climate action in Connecticut. Formed in 2023, the Coalition’s central demand is that Connecticut keep its promise to cut climate pollution and protect our future. Members of the coalition’s steering committee are Save the Sound, American College of Physicians – CT Chapter, ConnPIRG, Conservation Law Foundation, CT Health Professionals for Climate Action, CT League of Conservation Voters, Interreligious Eco-Justice Network, Mitchell Environmental Health Associates, People’s Action for Clean Energy, Sierra Club CT, and the Nature Conservancy in CT. More information at


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