NY HEAT Act will support climate justice for New Yorkers

The NY HEAT Act is a chance to cut greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs for New Yorkers from Buffalo to the Bronx.

Fossil fuels burned in buildings for heating, hot water, and cooking account for approximately one-third of greenhouse gas emissions in New York State. Building emissions are the leading source of air pollution in the state and pose a danger to public health and the environment.  

The NY HEAT (Home Energy Affordable Transition) Act would save New Yorkers money on their energy bills while ensuring that we are able to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as outlined in the state’s climate law, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 

The NY HEAT Act is a climate justice necessity for New York residents who live near the Long Island Sound. Sea level rise is of major concern to the Bronx’s coastal residents, and Speaker Carl Heastie and the NYS Assembly have a massive opportunity to offset sea level rise by passing the full NY HEAT Act though their chamber, following the lead of the Senate.  

Additionally, the NY HEAT Act would halt ratepayer subsidies for the expansion of dirty gas and allow us to begin to transition to cleaner forms of heating while limiting utility bills to 6% of household income, saving low- to moderate-income families and seniors up to $75 a month on utility bills. This is significant because 25% of NY households are highly energy overburdened and often have to choose between energy and other necessities. 

Urge Speaker Heastie and the New York State Assembly to approve the full NY HEAT Act before the end of session this week.

We have the rare opportunity to fight climate change and support the economic wellbeing of New Yorkers. 

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