Press Release: Forty and Counting: Kicking Off this Year’s Connecticut Cleanup Season with Events Across the State

Save the Sound’s Connecticut Cleanup is back and bigger than ever with over 40 cleanups already scheduled between August and October. Our goal this year: to reach 100 cleanups by the end of the season, with the help of dedicated Cleanup Captains.  

Cleanup Captains are those who plan cleanups, recruit volunteers, and host the events at both inland and coastal locations of their choice. Our cleanup coordination crew at Save the Sound provides all of the materials they need to run a successful cleanup. 

Sign up to be a Cleanup Captain here

Captains and volunteers collect data on trash type and amount at each cleanup. When we add up the numbers, they show just how much of an impact we really have.  

We are incredibly grateful to our cleanup volunteers who, during the past six years, have collected over half a million pieces of trash and prevented thousands of pounds of litter and waste from polluting the Long Island Sound watershed. In our first ever Connecticut Cleanup Report we break down those numbers to show that cigarette butts, food wrappers, and tiny pieces of plastic have been the most common culprits of pollution.  

Will that be true this year? Join the effort to find out and help keep all trash off the ground and out of the Sound! 

“With already 40 cleanups scheduled for the fall, we are on track for a record number of cleanups,” says Annalisa Paltauf, cleanup coordinator. “The more cleanups we do, the more people we engage, making a bigger impact on our local environment. And we’ve seen from our first cleanup report that these are simple yet impactful volunteer opportunities that deliver immediate and long-term change.” 

This year, the Connecticut Cleanup is generously supported by leading sponsors Subaru of New England, FactSet Charitable Foundation, and Barrett Outdoor Communications. We thank them, as well as our other corporate sponsors and the individual donors who keep this program alive year after year. 

“Subaru of New England and our CT Retailers are honored to continue our annual support of Save the Sound’s Connecticut Cleanup,” says Jeffrey Ruble, Chief Operating Officer of Subaru of New England. “We pride ourselves on being more than a car company, and more than car dealers. Protecting and preserving the environment is at the core of the Subaru Love Promise, and witnessing the impact of this event makes us proud to aid in the efforts. We look forward to celebrating Save the Sound’s incredible successes.”  

Want to participate but can’t commit to leading your own cleanup? We invite you to get involved in any capacity you can. Register for cleanups already scheduled and continue to check back in as the list continues to grow. 

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