Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Climate & Resiliency. Read other recent updates on our blog: Healthy Waters, Protected Lands, Legal Actions, and Ecological Restoration.
Outgoing STS president sails the Sound, sees climate impacts

Our outgoing president Curt Johnson recently made a five-day circuit of the Sound’s shores by sailboat, speaking with supporters on Long Island about environmental concerns. During his trip, the topic of sea level rise weighed heavy on his mind. “One thing I was struck by on this trip was how many communities you see along the coast that are exposed to Long Island Sound,” he said. “With increasing sea level rise and bigger storms, they’re incredibly vulnerable…” Read more about Curt’s voyage here.
Curt’s observations reaffirm our commitment to mitigate carbon pollution from all sectors of our society to combat the climate crisis, and our tireless efforts to prepare our communities through resiliency and adaptation.
For those who missed the news, our current Vice President of Programs Leah Lopez Schmalz will be succeeding Curt as President at the end of this month as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our organization.
New York
Climate Week NYC 2022

Held in conjunction with the United Nations and the City of New York, Climate Week NYC will mark its fourth year as the biggest global climate event of its kind. This event takes place September 19 – 25 and will bring together influential leaders in climate action representing government, business, and activists.
As the organizers of Climate Week NYC, Climate Group hosts in-person events including the Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony and The Hub Live. Click here to read more about this extraordinary event!
Advancing Offshore Wind

The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is hosting public meetings to provide information about the offshore wind farm being developed off the coast of Rhode Island (“Revolution Wind”), and to provide an opportunity for public comment. Revolution Wind will provide 304 megawatts of energy to Connecticut and 400 megawatts to Rhode Island. This offshore wind resource will further Connecticut’s clean energy goals and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.
The first virtual meeting is on September 29. If you’re interested in participating in the upcoming public hearings, click here.
Comprehensive Energy Strategy
To mitigate the climate crisis, adapt to a new normal, and ensure Connecticut reaches its climate and energy goals, we must enact bold and comprehensive strategies. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has announced opportunities to weigh in on a multifaceted plan to direct the state’s energy strategy called the Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES). Every three years, the CES examines future energy needs in the state and identifies opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce ratepayer costs, and ensure reliable energy availability. Save the Sound is participating in this process to represent your interests and keep Connecticut on track.
Click here for information on upcoming technical meetings and recordings of previous sessions. You may send your comments to deep.energybureau@ct.gov.
Join a Connecticut Cleanup Near You

You think global…now get local! The Connecticut Cleanup is part of the International Coastal Cleanup, which takes place each fall and culminates this year on September 17. Help your community and the waterfronts you love by picking up trash and keeping our rivers and Long Island Sound clean. Register today!
Climate Action Now Rally
Join New Haven Climate Movement for a youth-led climate rally on Friday, September 23 at 4:00 PM on the New Haven Green as part of the Fridays for Future Global Day of Action. It will feature a short march beginning at the New Haven Green and ending at New Haven City Hall. The demands of the strike address the need for municipal action pertaining to transportation, electrification, climate education, and government accountability.
Youth Eco Advocacy Corps
Save the Sound’s Youth Eco Advocacy Corps program is an opportunity for activists to share their ongoing sustainability initiatives, as well as learn from our team on what we’re doing to promote climate action. Register here for our meeting on Tuesday, September 27 at 6:00 PM.
Latinx & Leading on Climate

In honor of Latinx Heritage Month, Save the Sound is pleased to welcome Latinx environmental leaders to take the virtual stage to celebrate their contributions to the environmental movement and their dedication to building a sustainable future. Guest panelist details coming soon. The conversation will take place on Wednesday, October 5, at 6:00 PM. Click here to register.