NEW HAVEN — Save the Sound applauds the important step taken Tuesday by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong to fight marketing practices that are deceptive to the public and destructive to the environment. The lawsuit against Reynolds Consumer Products for misleading labeling of its products will help hold corporations and manufacturers accountable for their behaviors and recognize their responsibility to fight plastic pollution and protect our environment.
Save the Sound Senior Legal Counsel Roger Reynolds: “We commend Attorney General Tong for taking strong action and being a national leader in the battle to hold corporations responsible for misleading claims about plastic waste. Items such as these single-use trash bags, plastic bottles, polystyrene cups and containers, straws, balloons, and cigarettes end up in Long Island Sound, harming our waters and wildlife. Deceptive claims about recyclability are misleading consumers and adding to the plastic pollution problem in the Sound.”
Save the Sound Long Island Soundkeeper Bill Lucey: “For too long, we have seen greenwashing efforts that dilute and obscure the pathway to real solutions to plastic pollution in Long Island Sound. We need a robust, honest waste management recycling program in order to cut down on the volume of trash getting into our waters. The number of false claims out there about what is biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable really complicates the issue and stymies consumers who want to make responsible choices. Getting products that are truly biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable out there en masse will help address the overall waste problem.”