Priorities for CT’s Special Legislative Session

As of this writing, Connecticut’s state legislators are preparing to enter special session, a rare opportunity to make progress on environmental laws outside of the regular annual spring session.

Among the topics they’re considering, Save the Sound has identified three high priorities for substantial and timely environmental action.

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CT Capitol building with trees (photo: Laura McMillan)

Transfer Act: It’s time for Connecticut to move from its outdated system of pollution cleanup to one that requires reporting and cleanup when contamination happens—not decades later. In making this shift it’s critical to maintain strong oversight and transparency.

Climate and Utilities: Recent storms have rightfully put a lot of focus on electric utilities, but clean energy shouldn’t be left behind. Connecticut must maintain strong programs—like the Residential Solar Investment Program and net metering—that make installing solar power cost-effective for Connecticut families.

Environmental Justice: Protecting communities that bear disproportionate levels of pollution is important. Connecticut can strengthen public notice and participation rules to make sure community concerns are heard, and ensure affected neighborhoods receive benefits that help offset any new burdens.

The House will likely be in session Wednesday, Sept. 30, with the Senate soon to follow, so don’t delay. Send a message to your state senator and representative now.

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