A Time to Honor Vision: Save the Sound on Earth Day 50

Today, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Our organization was founded just a few years after Earth Day, with 50 members. It’s humbling to see the restoration of our natural world that they, and you, have made possible since.

On this historic occasion, here’s what our president, Curt Johnson, had to say:

“Today we’re faced with a brutal public health crisis that is testing our will and our caring for one another. It’s certainly not how we expected to spend this Earth Day.

“As we reflect on our interconnectedness and shared challenges, Earth Day 50 is a reminder of what we can achieve together: life returning to Long Island Sound, beautiful landscapes protected for wildlife and people alike, and air that’s safer to breathe.

“It’s also a reminder of how fragile that progress is. Even as we celebrate environmental victories in Connecticut and New York, many of the laws that have made them possible are under attack at the federal level.

“But Earth Day 50 is a time to honor big, bold visions: not only the vision that millions of Americans had 50 years ago, but also the one we’re shaping together, right now. Today is a day to commemorate what we’ve accomplished, and recommit ourselves to stand strong in the face of rollbacks and keep pushing forward until our climate is stable and healthy, until all our waters are swimmable and fishable, and until we again see abundant birds and fish thriving across our region. Together, we can make that vision reality.”

Find Save the Sound’s activities for Earth Day, and other upcoming virtual events, on our new Stay Engaged portal.

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