2019 Rain Garden Recap

2019 may come to be known as the year that rain gardens reached a tipping point here in Connecticut.

Not only did an unprecedented number of rain gardens get planted in the New Haven area, but interest in this particular type of green infrastructure is growing across the state. CFE/Save the Sound worked with dozens of homeowners, nearly 200 volunteers, and several schools and organizational partners to install a total of 15 rain gardens this year. A huge thank you to every person who grabbed a shovel, learned how to liberate plants from their pots, and helped us redirect stormwater from the drains back into the ground where it belongs.

You, our amazing volunteers, dug into the work of installing rain gardens across New Haven in 2019.

Nearly 200 of you (199 to be exact) came out with your friends, neighbors, family members, and classmates.

Together, we converted about 2,000 square feet of yards and community gardens around New Haven into rain gardens designed to capture and treat stormwater runoff from our roofs, driveways, and parking lots.

Working with the New Haven Land Trust, Amistad House, and the Fair Haven Library, we also installed the city’s first two edible rain gardens. They can be found in Fair Haven (pictured) and The Hill, and come spring/summer will be filled with berries and other edible plants.

We learned, sweat, and even worked into the night together. And it paid off. The rain gardens we’ve planted will capture 292,726 gallons of stormwater each year that otherwise would have ended up in our storm drains, carrying pollutants into nearby rivers and Long Island Sound.

So again, thank you. A special thanks to all of the funders who made it possible to install these rain gardens at no cost to the homeowners and property owners of New Haven including the CT DEEP, NewAlliance Foundation, the Greater New Haven Green Fund, and the Sasco Foundation.

Keep spreading the word! We’ve been amazed at the major role that word-of-mouth has played in getting new folks interested in rain gardens. We already have several lined up for the spring, and can’t wait to get back to work with all of you. If you’re interested in volunteering or having a rain garden installed in your yard or community, let us know by e-mailing ndavis@savethesound.org.

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