DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Water Responsibly


We’ve all seen them…lawn sprinklers that spray this way and that, sending water cascading indiscriminately in all directions. Great fun for kids wanting to cool off, but a waste if this is the way you satisfy your lawn’s thirst. Not only do these type of sprinklers unevenly distribute the water, often times they create super-saturation points that can wash fertilizer and pesticides into the waterways that lead into Long Island Sound.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve shared some ways to DO LESS and have a more beautiful, healthy yard; here’s another.



Only apply water when it is actually necessary. Your lawn and most plants only need about one inch of water per week to thrive, but most homeowners over water without giving it much thought—and sprinklers make it all too easy to do that. When applying water to your lawn, try to avoid spraying water all over. Instead, water low to the ground and evenly across the entire lawn. Avoid watering in the middle of the day because you’ll lose a lot of water to evaporation and avoid evenings which can cause mold and mildew to build up when temperatures drop at night. The best time of day to water is in the morning when your grass is waking up and stretching out for a new day. If it has just rained, don’t water—your plants are already happy!




These practices not only save you time, but also reduce the need to fertilize, reduce your energy and water use, and ultimately cost you less money.

So what will you do with all your newly found free time? We suggest going out to the Sound and exploring all it has to offer. You’ll see for yourself why it’s so important that we protect it together.


Have a landscaper and don’t know what to ask them to do?

Click here to DOWNLOAD a letter that you can give to your landscaper with ways they can help you have a healthy, environmentally-friendly yard [available in English and Spanish].

Take care of your own lawn?

Click here to DOWNLOAD a healthy yard checklist.


<<< Back to Tip #4 Have a Smaller Yard

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