DO LESS for a Healthy Yard this Year: Mowing


Each Spring, we emerge from our winter slumber ready to devote hours of our (and/or our landscaper’s) time and effort performing the various tasks we believe we need to do in order to have a lush green yard. The reality is that we’ve all been working way too hard on our lawns. Many of the things you’re doing actually hurt your lawn and the environment more than they help.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some ways to DO LESS and have a more beautiful, healthy yard.




Some yard owners think it’s proper to keep their grass short and tight so they mow and mow (sometimes several times a week) to maintain that look. The truth is you should only mow once a week at the very most. In fact, it’s actually better to put a week in between each mow to allow the grass enough time to recover.

While you’re at it, don’t cut the grass so short–leave it at a height of 2”-4” for your grass to be its healthiest. If you cut too short, there isn’t enough left of each blade of grass to fully feed itself. Plus, longer grass actually blocks weed growth from the sun!




These practices not only save you time, but also reduce the need to fertilize, reduce your energy and water use, and ultimately cost you less money.

So what will you do with all your newly found free time? We suggest going out to the Sound and exploring all it has to offer. You’ll see for yourself why it’s so important that we protect it together.


Have a landscaper and don’t know what to ask them to do?

Click here to DOWNLOAD a letter that you can give to your landscaper with ways they can help you have a healthy, environmentally-friendly yard [available in English and Spanish].

Take care of your own lawn?

Click here to DOWNLOAD a healthy yard checklist.


On to Tip#2: Grass Clippings >>>


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