CFE/Save the Sound Celebrates 40 years at the Annual Meeting on October 14

Celebrating 40 Years at the Annual Meeting on October 14!

The 2018 CFE/Save the Sound Annual Meeting will be a special one this year. Join us as we celebrate 40 years of environmental activism, cleaning up and protecting your land, air, and water for future generations.

The 2018 special guest will be Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change. Dr. Leiserowitz will explain recent trends in Americans’ climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy support, and behavior, and discuss strategies to build public and political will for climate action.

In addition to voting in the annual Board election, guests will have the chance to mingle with the staff and board of CFE/Save the Sound while enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres, beer, and wine.

The event is free for members, $25 for non-members, with that $25 contribution earning you a year-long membership. Seating is limited, so RSVP today!

RSVP to Michelle LeMere by October 7 with your total number of guests:

CFE/Save the Sound Annual Meeting
Sunday, October 14, 2018
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Kroon Hall
Yale University, New Haven
(Click here for directions.)

For all voting members, the Annual Meeting offers an opportunity to participate in the election of key Board officers and directors.

Annual Meeting Program:

  • Pre-reception
  • Welcome: Leslie Lee, Board Chair
  • Business Matters: Leslie Lee and Campbell Hudson
    a. Approval of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes
    b. Election of Members of the Board of Directors
    c. Election of Officers of the Board of Directors
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz
  • Closing: Leslie Lee
  • Reception

This year, CFE/Save the Sound is honoring the following awardees for their dedication to our environment:

Ted Kennedy, Jr.: For his career in passing key environmental legislation at the Connecticut General Assembly.

Amy Barnouw: With deep appreciation for her corporate leadership at Planet Fuel in investing in restoring the Noroton River and Long Island Sound.

Vivian Perez: With deep appreciation for her leadership as an energy efficiency employer and leader in fighting the sweep of energy efficiency and renewable state funds.

Stephanie Wiener: With deep appreciation for her leadership as an energy efficiency employer and leader in fighting the sweep of energy efficiency and renewable state funds.

Leticia Colon de Mejias: With deep appreciation for her leadership as an energy efficiency employer and leader in fighting the sweep of energy efficiency and renewable state funds.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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