Draft energy strategy “overwhelmingly falls short,” says CFE


September 25, 2017

Contact: Laura McMillan, 203-787-0646

Draft energy strategy “overwhelmingly falls short,” says CFE

Plan should set target of a minimum of 45 percent renewables by 2030, establish state-wide shared solar, and ramp up electric vehicles and energy efficiency

New Haven, Conn. — Connecticut Fund for the Environment has formally submitted its comments on the state’s draft 2017 Comprehensive Energy Strategy to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. The plan is intended to shape the state’s energy policies and investments for the next three years.

“The draft energy strategy includes some important recommendations that will reduce dependence on outdated fossil fuels, landfill gas, and biomass, but it still doesn’t map out how the proposed policies will put Connecticut on a path to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the Global Warming Solutions Act,” said Claire Coleman, climate and energy attorney at CFE. “Meeting these goals isn’t optional—it’s required under state law that’s been on the books now for almost a decade. State agencies and lawmakers need to get serious about rapidly ramping up renewables and energy efficiency, cutting emissions from cars and trucks, and clearly identifying how state policies will work together to meet the 2020 and 2050 targets. That’s what we’ll be looking for in the final plan.”

The final CES should do the following to sustain Connecticut efforts to combat climate change, CFE said:

  • Incorporate a quantitative analysis of how its policies will achieve the emissions reductions necessary to meet Connecticut’s 2020 commitment under the Global Warming Solutions Act;
  • Go forward, not backward, on renewable energy by proposing a more ambitious annual increase to the renewable portfolio standard, with the minimum goal of powering 45 percent of Connecticut’s needs from renewable sources by 2030;
  • Recommend a full-scale shared solar program to allow access to renewable energy for the 80 percent of Connecticut residents who can’t install solar panels on their own roofs, and remove the proposed cap on behind the meter solar;
  • Bring Connecticut’s energy efficiency investment in line with neighboring states;
  • Create incentive and marketing programs to encourage consumers to switch to efficient heat pumps; and
  • Rapidly get more electric vehicles on the road by strengthening the CHEAPR rebate program, expanding charging infrastructure, and establishing a regional cap-and-trade program for fuels to reduce emissions.

The Connecticut Electric Vehicle Coalition, of which CFE is a founding member, submitted its own comments last week. The coalition emphasized the urgency of more specific plans to get EVs on the road and meet the state’s commitments under the Zero Emissions Vehicle Memo of Understanding to get have 150,000 EVs on Connecticut roads by 2025.

CFE, Consumers for Sensible Energy, RENEW Northeast, and Sierra Club also released an analysis by Synapse Energy Economics on Monday which concluded that a 2.5 annual increase in Connecticut’s renewable energy growth would yield significant public health, economic, and climate benefits. On its own, however, this rate of growth will not meet Connecticut’s goals. Additional investments in the building heating sector will be critical, the allies noted.


*In Hartford on Tuesday, a broad group of environmental and energy advocates stood with Connecticut legislators to rally against deep cuts to CT Green Bank and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative included in the approved 2018-2019 state budget passed by the House and Senate earlier this month.

“Slashing the Green Bank and raiding funds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which reinvests money in energy efficiency and clean energy programs, would harm both Connecticut’s economy and health for years to come,” said Claire Coleman, climate and energy attorney at Connecticut Fund for the Environment. “These programs not only save Connecticut families money on their energy bills, they also save lives and cut healthcare costs by reducing unhealthy pollution, and put Connecticut on the path towards a clean energy future. These short-sighted cuts must be eliminated in the final budget.”

1 thought on “Draft energy strategy “overwhelmingly falls short,” says CFE

  1. Stamford 2030 could do a LOT more. For example, the Stamford Public Library signed on with them but they still leave lights on in empty rooms, leave banks of untouched computers on all the time, and the space they own for Starbucks is lit up whether it is sunny or not. Not seeing the progress there!

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