Press Release: Water advocates mark World Water Day

March 21, 2017

Water advocates mark World Water Day


HARTFORD, CONN. – Eight organizations from across Connecticut are coming together to celebrate water on United Nations World Water Day, March 22. 


Clean Water Action, Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its bi-state program Save the Sound, Connecticut River Watershed Council, Eightmile Wild & Scenic Watershed, Farmington River Watershed Association, Rivers Alliance of Connecticut, The Nature Conservancy, and Salmon River Watershed Partnership have developed a brief document highlighting successes and challenges of Connecticut’s water stewardship. The document will be distributed to state legislators, agencies, residents, and other stakeholders in Connecticut’s water future on World Water Day.


“Connecticut has had tremendous victories in protecting drinking water and restoring rivers, but

at the same time, there are ongoing threats to the quality and quantity of our water,” said Karen Burnaska, water projects coordinator for CFE/Save the Sound. “Today our organizations are showing solidarity with communities affected by water pollution, drought, or industrial over-use of water resources.”


The alliance of statewide organizations and watershed associations is calling on the lawmakers to safeguard Connecticut’s water resources when setting policy.


Anne Hulick, Connecticut director for Clean Water Action, said, “It was not long ago that rivers were dumping grounds for debris and toxic chemicals and the Cuyahoga River caught fire. World Water Day is a day to celebrate how far we’ve come and to make sure we continue to protect this most precious resource.”


“Water sustains life in all forms on Earth. In Connecticut, The Nature Conservancy works with private citizens, businesses, other nonprofits and public agencies to protect water quality, stream flows, aquatic and wetland habitats and our coastlines—for people and nature,” said Sally Harold, director of river restoration and fish passage for The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut.


Pat Young, of the Eightmile Wild & Scenic Watershed and Salmon River Watershed Partnership, said, “World Water Day is a reminder that the work we do at a watershed level everyday helps protect water resources for future generations. Healthy watersheds are healthy communities!”


“Every day of the year, we benefit from Connecticut’s water resources,” added Eileen Fielding, executive director of the Farmington River Watershed Association. “World Water Day is a moment to appreciate what we have, and ask what we can do to conserve and protect water in our state and worldwide.”


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