In October, Tracy Brown and Peter Linderoth from our NY office patrolled the Byram River on a beautiful fall day. Joining them was David Alderisio who had documented several dry weather flowing storm drains draining into the Byram River, some on the Port Chester, NY side and some on the Greenwich, CT side. From the boat we were able to visit those storm drains, collect water samples and document the flows. After the patrol we sent that documentation, and our test results, to officials in Greenwich, CT and Port Chester, NY who are following up.
Citizen watchdogs like David help Save the Sound staff track down potential water pollution sources which our staff then confirm and deliver documentation of to the appropriate local authorities for follow up action. Learn how you can be a watchdog.

Above: Staff Peter Linderoth (l) and Tracy Brown (r) joined by watchdog David Alderisio (center).

In dry weather, there should not be flow from a storm drain (as above).