Byram Beach is part of the 20-acre Byram Park in western Greenwich. From Memorial Day to Labor Day lifeguards are on duty. Park passes and parking permits are required.
Over the past decade, Greenwich has invested over $70 million in upgrades to the sewage treatment and collection system. This continued investment in clean water has gone a long way toward eliminating the sewer overflows and sewage leaks that were once problematic.
This and other investments have significantly improved the near shore coastal waters of Greenwich and allowed the Greenwich Shellfish Commission to re-open substantial portions of Greenwich Harbor and Greenwich Cove for recreational shellfish harvesting on a conditional basis. The Greenwich Shellfish Commission is a leader in shellfisheries management and is currently working with NOAA to document the eco-system services, particularly improved water quality, provided by well-managed shellfish beds.
Byram Beach’s location in an enclosed embayment and its proximity to the Byram River make it vulnerable to water quality issues. Although significant work has been done by the Town to improve water quality in area, there is still work to be done. Potential sources of bacteria pollution include stormwater runoff, waterfowl, and local septic systems. Stormwater runoff from neighborhood streets and properties carries pollutants such as pet and wildlife waste, and other sources of bacteria, to the coast. The Town is working with Harbor Watch and other agencies to better identify and work to reduce the sources of contamination to the site and to determine how tidal flushing may impact local water quality.
Save the Sound has offered to partner with the Town to examine green infrastructure opportunities for capturing stormwater and absorbing it back into the ground thereby treating the pollution before it reaches the Sound near Byram Beach.
Updated: 6/24/16
View Byram Beach grades on Sound Health Explorer
Photograph at top by Soundbounder at http://soundbounder.blogspot.com/