Surprise! That’s illegal

There are a lot of silly laws on the books in Connecticut. One of the silliest? You’re not allowed to share solar energy with your neighbors.

In Hartford, you may not educate dogs.

In Southington, silly string is prohibited.

In Devon, it’s illegal to walk backwards after sunset.

In Guilford, only white holiday lights may be displayed.

In Hartford, it’s illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sundays.

In Hartford, you may not cross a street while walking on your hands.

In Waterbury, it’s illegal for a beautician to hum, whistle, or sing while working on a customer.

Boy Walking on Hands - with red slashEducated Dog - with red slashSinging Beautician - with red slash

and . . .

⊗ In Connecticut, it’s illegal to get your electricity from a shared solar array.

Shared solar is an arrangement in which two or more people buy a portion of the electricity produced by a single solar array.  These solar programs are operating successfully and reducing energy costs in many states, including Massachusetts.

But here, shared solar must be specifically authorized by law. In 2015, the legislature authorized a small shared solar pilot program, but the pilot has been delayed indefinitely and is yet to be implemented. This means that 80% of residents who could benefit from a state-wide shared solar program are also having their opportunity to go solar, save money, and help the environment delayed indefinitely.

It’s time for Connecticut to step out of the shade and into the sun.  Our residents are waiting.

If you think shared solar should be an option for EVERYONE in Connecticut, please sign our petition asking the legislature to authorize a full-scale, statewide program that does not cap the number of projects or total megawatts.

Posted by Shannon Laun, energy and environment attorney at CFE/Save the Sound. Silly laws sourced from:

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