Recent Plum Island news was a hit!

Last week, we joined U.S. Senator Blumenthal and other champions to announce a new federal study about preservation options for Plum Island, NY. The news of the announcement was a big hit!

Federal legislators announced agency plans for a study that could advance efforts to protect Plum Island. The island, a federally-owned 840-acre property at the eastern end of Long Island Sound that hosts endangered species, is at risk of being auctioned off and its fragile habitats lost.

Thanks to the federal, state, and local support from Connecticut and beyond, we joined Senator Blumenthal for a hugely-successful press conference in Old Saybrook on March 25.


The press conference garnered a lot of attention from both regional and national media outlets. We’re thrilled that there’s so much support for the permanent preservation of Plum Island!

Associated Press

Connecticut Mirror

CT Post

Greenwich Post

Hartford Courant

Homeland Security News Wire

Newsday (editorial)

Newsday (article)


The Day







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