Pipeline Puts Drinking Water Lands in Peril

Connecticut has some of the nation’s toughest laws protecting the lands that drain to our drinking water reservoirs, and for good reason—healthy, intact forests are the first line of defense in cleaning rainfall, filtering out pollution, and keeping your drinking water pure and safe. But threats still exist.

A Tennessee-based power company wants to expand its fracked gas pipeline throughout the northeast. It passes through Connecticut, and one section crosses nearly six miles of watershed lands belonging to MDC—the lands that filter drinking water for tens of thousands of Hartford and central Connecticut residents. Allowing this construction would set a terrible precedent that could threaten drinking water lands all over the state. See our slides for a quick overview.

CFE/Save the Sound Board members Barbara David and Sara Bronin recently hosted a gathering at the Town and County Club in Hartford to build connections among concerned residents and environmental advocates opposing the pipeline route.

More events are forthcoming, so stay tuned! To get the latest news, email Sarah at sganong@ctenvironment.org and we’ll add you our Pipeline action alert list.

DSC06905editCFE/Save the Sound Board member Barbara David welcomes attendees to the Town and County Club.


DSC06893editExamining the proposed route.


DSC06911editCFE/Save the Sound Board member Sarah Bronin explains the risks of the proposal.

DSC06953editA panel of experts explains the environmental, health, and policy risks posed by this proposal. Want to speak to one of the panelists? Find their contact info here.


DSC06980editHartford City Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings succeeded in passing a city resolution opposing the pipeline.

DSC06942editWe can’t save Connecticut’s drinking water lands alone!

Picture1            Please sign our petition to tell decision-makers that a gas pipeline doesn’t belong on drinking water lands. Thank you!

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