Governor Cuomo Shares Vision & Investment Plan for Clean Water & Healthy Sound

Governor Cuomo has just announced a bold multi-part commitment to clean water and reliable infrastructure as he unveiled parts of his upcoming state budget proposal. Yesterday morning he announced a historic $300 million budget target for the Environmental Protection Fund—see our press release below—followed in the afternoon by clean water infrastructure investments that will directly benefit Long Island Sound!

Governor Cuomo is asking for $100 million for water infrastructure grants. That would bring New York’s investment in clean water projects to $250 million, to be distributed to municipalities this year and next. The funding will leverage even more local dollars, helping communities catch up on their infrastructure backlog.

To combat the life-smothering nitrogen pollution problems on Long Island’s north shore, Cuomo also committed to connecting 10,000 Suffolk County households to state-of-the-art sewer systems. The State will continue to support the development of advanced nitrogen-removing septic systems with the goal of restoring and protecting critical Sound coastal habitats.

“Save the Sound congratulates Governor Cuomo on his vision of a healthy Long Island Sound with a vibrant ecosystem that supports local economies and preserves our way of life,” said Tracy Brown, director of western Sound programs. “Save the Sound looks forward to working with the Governor, the Legislature, and our coalition partners to ensure these commitments are enacted in the upcoming state budget.”

You can read more in Governor Cuomo’s press release.  Read more about Save the Sound’s work with two coalitions on water infrastructure and the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

We’ll track the proposal as it moves through New York’s budget process. Stay tuned




January 5, 2016

Laura McMillan, 203-787-0646


Save the Sound Praises Cuomo Environmental Investment

Mamaroneck, NY – Save the Sound applauds Governor Andrew Cuomo for his commitment to increase the NYS Environmental Protection Fund to $300 million in his upcoming state budget proposal, to be released January 13.

“Governor Cuomo has heard the concerns of New Yorkers and has responded with a substantial investment in the environmental health and resources we all rely on. By investing in the Environmental Protection Fund our Governor is supporting clean water, clean air, access to open spaces, and the economic wellbeing of our communities,” said Tracy Brown, director of western Sound programs at Save the Sound. “Save the Sound is proud to be a part of the broad and diverse coalition of groups that have been advocating for this crucial investment, and we are grateful to Governor Cuomo for his commitment to a healthy New York and a healthy Long Island Sound.”


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