Save the Date: International Coastal Cleanup – September 19th, 2015!

Save the Sound is busy gearing up for the 30th annual International Coastal Cleanup! This year’s “Big Day” is right around the corner on September 19th, which will also include additional cleanups throughout the months of September and October. Save the Sound is celebrating its 14th year serving as the Connecticut Coordinator for Ocean Conservancy’s worldwide cleanup event.

scuba cleanup

For this year, we’ve already harnessed enough man (and woman) power to plan upwards of 40 beach cleanups to take place this fall! There are still many beaches to be claimed as Connecticut’s shoreline alone has more than 360 beaches, parks and watershed areas that desperately need your attention – especially after the recent news release of the fatally hypoxic environment due to Nitrogen pollution within the Long Island Sound.

turtle creek group shot croppedYou can view our 2015 Captain Cleanup Manual for an idea on what goes into a cleanup, and what items Save the Sound provides to make your cleanup as efficient as possible! Also, as more and more cleanups are scheduled, they will be added to our online calendar – so check back often to see which events you may be able to contribute to!


Your Sound and your cities need you more than ever, and we have the perfect way for you to get involved.

If interested in becoming a captain or volunteer for a cleanup in your area, please contact Save the Sound’s ICC Coordinator Kelly Pfeiffer at or call at (203) 787-0646 ext.114 for more information.

To learn more about this year’s International Coastal Cleanup, please visit Ocean Conservancy’s website.

We hope to see you at one of this year’s cleanups!


Kelly Pfeiffer, ICC Coordinator, Save the Sound


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