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A full-scale shared solar program would enable all of us to access clean energy

solar colonial houseAround 80% of Connecticut residents can’t install solar panels — because they rent, or because their roofs are too shady. There’s currently a bill before the state legislature that would enable these people to access solar energy through shared clean energy projects. Shared renewables, by greatly expanding access to clean energy, can attract significant private capital to Connecticut, creating thousands of jobs while providing clean power.

If you want to learn more about the potential for shared solar in Connecticut, episode #6 of our podcast series discusses recommendations to increase solar adoption in Connecticut.

The Connecticut state legislature is currently considering whether to authorize shared clean energy facilities to operate in the state. The current bill has the right idea, but it needs to be expanded. Senate Bill 928 would create a small three-year pilot program, which would result in no more than two shared solar projects in the state. This minimal pilot program would cause unnecessary delay and will leave Connecticut lagging behind neighboring states, like Massachusetts and New York, which are moving forward with statewide shared solar programs.

Renewable energy is already delivering tremendous benefits across Connecticut, but the traditional panels-on-your-roof model simply does not work for most of us.If you agree that all of Connecticut’s citizens have a right to clean, renewable energy, please show your support by filling out this short sign-on form.

Want to do even more to help shared solar grow in Connecticut? Contact your local legislator and let them know that you want a full-scale shared solar program, or at the very least, a significantly expanded pilot program. Thanks for your support of this important clean energy legislation!

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