Earth Day with CFE/Save the Sound

Events around the region mark the 45th anniversary of the day celebrating our planet

Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its bi-state program Save the Sound look forward to joining with citizens, partners, and elected officials from around Connecticut and New York for several environmental-themed events to celebrate the 45th annual Earth Day. Since 1970, Earth Day has been an annual reminder of the importance of the world on which we live, and that we can each take action to protect the planet.

“The story of Earth Day is one of great coming-together and passion,” said Don Strait, president of CFE/Save the Sound. “Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist Denis Hayes both realized that ordinary Americans cared about problems like oil spills and over-use of pesticides just as much as they did. The idea of a single day to unite people around the common theme of Earth Day led eventually to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act, among many others. As advocates for the environment, we are still using these important legal tools today to protect our land, air, water, and wildlife.”

credit Robert LorenzSave the Sound filed a petition with the Environmental Protection Agency in February that requested a new or revised legally enforceable plan to reduce the major remaining sources of nitrogen pollution harming Long Island Sound. In January, Save the Sound issued a 60-day Notice of Intent to Sue under the Endangered Species Act to the Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration, alleging that the agencies have failed to protect species while pursuing a public sale of the de facto wildlife refuge Plum Island.

More information about the history of Earth Day, as well as details about events happening this week throughout Connecticut, can be found in the fifth episode of our podcast, Keeping It Green.

Earth Week Events

On Tuesday evening, CFE will be co-hosting an “Experience Electric” ride and drive event for electric vehicles in Stamford, along with Stamford 2030 and Sustainable America. Several electric vehicles will be available for test drives. Interested members of the public should contact Sarah Ganong at (203) 787 0646 for more information.

On Wednesday at 1:00 p.m., members of the Connecticut Legislature will be joined by UConn students and other interested members of the public to support several environmental-themed bills, including bans on microbeads and plastic bags, and restrictions of pesticide use on school property. The rally will be held in the Legislative Office Building, room 310.

The New England Fishery Management Council, a body of state and federal appointees responsible for governing regional and commercial fisheries, will be meeting from April 20-23 in Mystic, CT at the Hilton Hotel. They’ll be discussing a broad agenda, including two issues of importance to Save the Sound: Atlantic herring and habitat protections. Fisheries program lead Tyler Archer will be attending the hearings to urge the Council to look at not just what is beneficial for commercial industries, but also for healthy ecosystems. On Wednesday, the public is welcome to testify to support strong marine habitat protections.

On Saturday, April 25, we’ll be attending the Connecticut Audubon Society’s 26th Annual Earth Fair at their Glastonbury location, 1361 Main Street, Glastonbury, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We’ll be talking to attendees about fisheries issues in Connecticut, alongside many opportunities for children and families, including live animals and theater performances.

Earlier this month, CFE/Save the Sound hosted our 24th annual Long Island Sound Citizens Summit, which brought together scientists, advocates, and elected officials to talk about nitrogen pollution and the Sound. Speakers and panelists reviewed progress on restoring the Sound and identified opportunities for further nitrogen reductions.

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