New York’s Clean Water Budget – A Chance to Fix Sewer Leaks Across the State

Towns around Long Island Sound and all over New York State are plagued with sewage leaks from aging wastewater infrastructure. The need is dire. In fact, 61 out of New York’s 62 counties have applied for state funding to help pay for badly-needed projects to protect public health and keep beaches open. The problem is, these repairs are expensive and there’s rarely enough money to go around.

That’s what makes right now the perfect moment to speak up.

For once, there’s money available: New York has just collected over $5 billion in bank settlements. This one-time windfall means we have an opportunity to take a bite out of our huge backlog of clean water infrastructure needs.

New York’s state Senate and Assembly have included strong clean water funding in their budgets: the Senate proposed $500 million, and the Assembly has proposed $250 million. We appreciate their strong commitment to the Sound’s health!

Now they’re going to start negotiating with Governor Cuomo. We’re asking Governor Cuomo to allocate $800 million for clean water projects in the current budget cycle.

Please join Save the Sound, state legislators and local leaders, clean water advocates, and neighbors all across the state in calling for a budget that commits to the clean water improvements New York desperately needs.

Send an email to Governor Andrew Cuomo using this simple form, or call the Governor’s office at 518-474-8390.

Ask him to dedicate just $800 million of the current windfall to rebuild our decaying water infrastructure and make sure our kids can enjoy clean, healthy beaches. (You can use this sample letter to guide you if you wish.) 

Thank you!

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