Now Is the Time! Check for Sewage Overflows

It’s pouring rain across our region, which makes this a great time to go outside and check to see how your local sewer infrastructure is holding up.

If you see overflowing manholes or pump stations, photograph them and email the pictures to us at with a detailed description of the time and location of the overflow. We’ll compile your reports, share them with your municipal officials and follow up to ensure repairs take place to avoid future overflows. We also encourage you to share your reports with your local municipal officials directly.

wlis manhole overflow
Overflowing sewer manholes dump raw wastewater onto our streets and into stormwater drains, which deliver the fecal-contaminated water to our beaches, harbors and streams.
Pump stations should not discharge wastewater. If you see a sight like this in your area, it's a sanitary sewage overflow (SSO) in need of immediate repair – call local officials!
Pump stations should not discharge wastewater. If you see a sight like this in your area, it’s a sanitary sewage overflow (SSO) in need of immediate repair – call local officials!

Save the Sound encourages all citizens to serve as water pollution watchdogs.

You can do your part to reduce sewage overflows, too – conserve water, especially during rain, and do not connect a sump pump or rain water drains into the sanitary sewer line. Pumps and drains should connect to your stormwater lines or your lawn. Thanks for helping keep the Sound clean!

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