Sound Swim Alert: The Beaches Are Open

Update Sunday August 17: The beaches are still open.

Saturday August 16: The weather is prime for a beach day!

As little as half an inch of rain causes enough sewage to overflow into the Sound that the ten beaches listed below must all be closed due to unsafe bacteria levels.  The longstanding issue rarely receives much attention and is overlooked at times when considering water quality.  If you are interested in updates on beach statuses as a result of sewage overflows, you may want to sign up for our email alerts here.

Those ten beaches are at Harbor Island Park, Beach Point Club, Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club, Shore Acres and Orienta Club in Mamaroneck; Echo Bay Club, Davenport Club, Hudson Park and Greentree Club in New Rochelle; and Coveleigh Club in Rye.

Each weekend morning and on holidays we will post a notice here on Green Cities Blue Waters telling you if the beaches are open. We’ll also post it on our Facebook page and on Twitter (@savethesound).

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