Press Release: Old Saybrook Votes to Buy The Preserve!

Today residents of Old Saybrook turned out in record numbers and voted to purchase the long-embattled 1,000-acre forest called The Preserve.


July 8, 2014


Referendum is major step in plan for towns and state to permanently conserve coastal forest

New Haven, Conn.—A decades-long battle to permanently protect Old Saybrook’s 1,000-acre parcel known as The Preserve has leapt substantially closer to triumph tonight, as town residents voted overwhelmingly to provide $3 million in town funds towards purchase of the property, which was once slated to be turned into golf courses and a housing development. Connecticut Fund for the Environment and The Trust for Public Land, two leaders of the fight, are extremely pleased with the progress towards permanent protection of this coastal forest that shelters wildlife and migratory birds, filters drinking water, and contains miles of hiking trails.

“As the last remaining unprotected coastal forest in southern New England, The Preserve holds a special place in my heart—and I couldn’t be more pleased that the huge turnout and 2002 to 242 vote tonight shows that my neighbors understand the importance of this land too,” said Chris Cryder, special projects coordinator at CFE and a longtime citizen activist to protect the forest. “Just days after the holiday celebrating our nation’s independence and freedom, it’s terrific that the voters of Old Saybrook have used their individual votes to collectively preserve The Preserve.”

Viewing The Preserve from the north, with Long Island Sound in the distance. Photo: Robert Lorenz.
Viewing The Preserve from the north, with Long Island Sound in the distance. Photo: Robert Lorenz.

“We’re thrilled that the people of Old Saybrook have made their voices heard and voted to protect the regionally significant ecological gem in their backyards,” said Alicia Sullivan, Connecticut State Director of The Trust for Public Land. “But we aren’t resting on our laurels yet: our passionate corps of volunteers will continue working to raise the remaining funds needed to purchase these 1,000 acres, and the Town of Essex will vote next week on its contribution. We look forward to the day the sale is finalized and The Preserve is safely held in public hands, protected from development, for the good of our wildlife and watersheds and the enjoyment of people for generations to come.”

“Today’s vote was a monumental victory for the citizens of Connecticut and the residents of Old Saybrook, protecting the Preserve once and for all from shortsighted development and irreparable harm,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has been involved in the fight since his tenure as Connecticut’s Attorney General. “This pristine coastal forest will be protected and preserved for the enjoyment of generations to come. I am proud to have fought alongside truly dedicated activists, who never gave up despite long odds and protracted battles.”

“While walking along The Preserve land with members of the Old Saybrook community a few weeks ago, it couldn’t have been more clear that this breathtaking open space needs to be protected for our future generations,” said Senator Chris Murphy. “This forest land is the ideal place to spend an afternoon hiking, exploring, and observing Connecticut’s natural beauty. I’ve been committed to open space protection issues since my days as a state official and I know how committed the land preservation community has been to protecting The Preserve. Tonight’s outcome is a huge win and I commend all those who worked hard to make it happen.”

“Old Saybrook’s residents have spoken, and they’ve said they want to protect The Preserve in its natural state,” said Carl P. Fortuna, Jr., First Selectman of Old Saybrook. “After nearly 20 years of public battles, the Town is one step closer to a resolution as to what will happen with this property. The Town will continue to work with The Trust for Public Land, the State of Connecticut and other partners to make sure all the necessary funds are in place for ownership and successful long-term management of the property. This was a true Town-wide effort from grass roots volunteers to the volunteers on the Town’s Boards and Commissions who had to make sometimes difficult decisions. I want to thank all those who participated for their thoughtfulness and hard work. We live in a great Town and this acquisition will make us a better place to live, work and play for generations to come.”

The next step in the process to permanently protect the land will see residents of Essex voting on a $200,000 appropriation for the purchase of the segment of The Preserve that lies within its town borders. The vote will take place at a public hearing and town meeting on July 16 at 6:45 pm in the Essex Town Hall.


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