Give a Little Monthly, Make a Big Difference Year-Round

We recently launched a new monthly giving program, “The Green Team.” Jim Sirch, one of the first Green Team members, explains why he chose to join.

“I’m a museum educator and the president of my local land trust. I was pleased to learn about the Green Team because, let’s face it: environmentalists typically are not investment bankers. I want to support the organization, but my giving needs to fit into my budget.

The Green Team makes sense for me. Over the course of the year, my gift ends up being a good deal more than the regular $25 membership I donated for years, but on a month-to-month basis it barely makes a ripple in my bank account. It makes it easy for me to make a difference.

CFE and Save the Sound are working hard on so many fronts to protect the land, air and water of Connecticut and Long Island Sound. They have an amazing track record. And that’s a good thing because our environment can’t wait. It takes smart science, law and community outreach to protect the environment for ourselves, our families and our children. That’s why I joined the Green Team. I hope you will too.”
~ Jim Sirch, Green Team Member

The Green Team lets donors contribute to CFE or Save the Sound through secure, automatic credit card payments. A monthly contribution provides us with a predictable income stream and we no longer need to send renewal reminders – saving paper and allowing us to use resources elsewhere.

Green Team members receive an annual e-statement summarizing their Green Team monthly gifts, and their credit card statements serve as an additional record of all contributions. As a Green Team member, you may change your pledge at any time and you’ll receive our quarterly e-newsletter to keep you posted on our latest projects.

Learn more about our Green Team Monthly Giving Club. And thanks!

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Earth Month
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