Fridays in the Field #7: Celebrating Our Volunteers

Yesterday, December 5, was International Volunteer Day. To celebrate, we’re taking this week’s Fridays in the Field post to honor our favorite heroes who are literally in the field: our volunteers!

Diageo Beach Cleanup at Long Beach
Diageo Beach Cleanup at Long Beach

This year was a big one for volunteering, as we added two new programs–rain garden plantings in Southington, CT, and water quality testing in Mamaroneck, NY–to our usual roster of coastal cleanups and habitat restoration plantings. We were excited to connect with so many new and enthusiastic volunteers in those communities, and look forward to working with them again!

In addition, dedicated volunteers and interns help out in our office year-round, helping us gather info, write newsletters, and staff events.

Monitoring Water Quality
One of our great water quality monitors!
Instructions on Eelgrass.
Learning about restoring Eelgrass, an essential marine habitat.
Eelgrass weaving
Eelgrass weaving!
A Completed Rain Garden!
A Completed Rain Garden!
Another Completed Rain Garden! Our volunteers helped us build 9!
Another Completed Rain Garden! Our volunteers helped us build 9!
Beach cleanup with Common Ground.
A chilly beach cleanup with Common Ground.
Beach cleanup with Bank of America.
A beach cleanup with Bank of America.

Posted by Laura McMillan, director of communications, and Tyler Archer, outreach fellow for CFE/Save the Sound

2 thoughts on “Fridays in the Field #7: Celebrating Our Volunteers

  1. Good work guys; bags of garbage from beaches, rain gardens to reduce nitrogen in LIS and habitat restoration… and a bit of fun getting things right.

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