The Great Give is Coming

Are you passionate about protecting Connecticut’s environment and Long Island Sound? Do you want to stop sewage discharges into the Sound? Ensure our drinking water resources are clean and safe? Advocate for clean air and energy?

Then help us make those goals a reality by donating to Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its program Save the Sound during The Great Give, October 2-3!

Hosted by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, the Great Give is a 36-hour giving campaign from 8:00 a.m. next Wednesday, October 2 through 8:00 p.m. Thursday, October 3. It’s an event to benefit local nonprofits, but donations will support our work across Connecticut and around the Long Island Sound region.

Donating during The Great Give helps your gift go farther, because in addition to the money raised through donations, organizations will be eligible to receive cash prizes in various amounts up to $15,000. Prizes will go to the non-profits that secure the greatest number of individual donors, greatest number of new donors, and the most money raised. Visit The Great Give to view the countdown and learn more.

When you see our Great Give reminder on the morning of October 2, please review and click the links to make a secure gift to CFE/Save the Sound. You could help us win more money than ever!

To learn more about how CFE/Save the Sound protects the land, air and water of Connecticut and Long Island Sound, visit our website.

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Earth Month
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