Last Chance to Send Comments to GSA on Plum Island Environmental Impact Statement

The federal government’s Final Environmental Impact Statement on a sale of Plum Island is flawed: the General Services Administration has continued to dodge its responsibility to take the government interest in Plum Island’s rare bird habitats, open space, and historic sites into consideration, and intends to carry on with its plan to auction Plum Island to the highest bidder. Read more here.

But we’re not letting it be developed without a fight, and we need your help.

The GSA is accepting comments from the public until Monday, August 5. Can you take a few moments to write to the agency? Urge them to recommend that Plum Island stay under federal ownership as a wildlife refuge and that, if they recommend a sale instead, that it at least be a conservation sale that protects the island’s habitats and rare species.

You can email your comments to GSA until 5:00 pm on Monday, August 5; find other contact options here.

Or you can sign our group letter, which goes into great detail about the environmental report’s flaws and the importance of protecting Plum Island. Read it here: Save Plum Island Sign-on Letter 7-24-13. If you would like to sign, please email us by 2:00 pm on Monday, August 5. (If an organization, please send the name and title of the signatory; if an individual, please include you address.)

Thank you!

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Posted by Laura McMillan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound.

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