Corporate support is an important part of our Coastal Cleanup Program. By partnering with local businesses, we have more resources to help organize volunteer coastal cleanup events around Long Island Sound. Corporate partnerships also allow us to introduce their employees to our organization and get them more involved in helping to protect the Sound.

The timing of corporate partnerships can also be significant. Last November, just after Hurricane Sandy pummeled the Northeast, we teamed up with Bank of America to repair Silver Sands State Park in Milford, CT. Employees from various local bank branches helped remove over 2,000 pounds of large debris that washed up in the storm surge. That partnership is still alive and well as Save the Sound received a grant from The Bank of America Charitable Foundation this week, which will allow us to organize more post-Sandy cleanup events this spring.

If you think your place of employment would be a good partner with Save the Sound, please contact Kierran at We organize Employee Coastal Cleanup Days that serve as great team-building events and also have highly visible sponsorship opportunities available as well.
Posted by Kierran Broatch, volunteer and outreach associate for CFE/Save the Sound